News Stories from April 2011

New Children's Art Gallery

Story posted: 26. April 2011 by Andrew Danskin

Over the last few days, we have created a major new gallery entitled The Art of Childhood, which contains sub galleries featuriung various aspects of artwork produced mainly for children or to do with childhood. Featured subjects include Christmas, Fairies, Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes, children at play and anthropomorphic animals – the depiction of various types of animals in human dress and everyday human scenes. Titles/captions still remain to be added over the next few days but, in the meantime, much of the relevant information is given in the image title. We have many…

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Category: What's New?    Viewed: 1946

Gallery Pricing Issue Corrected!

Story posted: 16. April 2011 by Andrew Danskin

Apologies to all visitors to the site who have had problems finding out how to piurchase images from our most recently created galleries but, due to a change initiated when the latest version of the software we use was uploaded, a number of the galleries did not display price or add to cart options. This has now been corrected and all images on the site can once again be selected for purchase and subsequent download.

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   Viewed: 1798

New Colour Railway Images

Story posted: 14. April 2011 by Andrew Danskin

Having spent the last few days making sure every image in every gallery now has a proper title, caption where appropriate and adding in key words and phrases to improve the site's searchability, we now start adding more images again. Around 40 colour pictures from old slides have been added into the Somerset and Devon Railways in Colour galleries. As always, these have been cleaned and colour balanced for optimum viewing. Please remember that colour film in the 1960s was very slow and varied enormously in quality, colour balance and colour retention between the different manufacturers…

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   Viewed: 1835

Captions to all Images

Story posted: 8. April 2011 by Andrew Danskin

For those who have already found us – and interest in the site has been phenomenal in the first couple of weeks since going live – there will be a short hiatus in listing further images whilst we make sure titles, captions and keywords, where necessary, are added to all the current images. In the rush to go live with a good selection of pictures spread across numerous galleries, a good many were uploaded without any information. This of course affects the ability of search engines to find the images that people might be searching for, as well as affecting the operation of…

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   Viewed: 1835